Friday, August 17, 2018

Life is but a Dream?

     Have you ever thought about the nursery song “Row your boat?” I’m going to remind you of the words if you haven’t heard it before. “Row, row, row your boat. Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily. Life is but a dream.” Interesting words! Have you ever felt like life is like a dream? I’ve lived a few more years on this planet than most of you. As I am entering my twilight years and looking back on my life, it does feel as if I’m living inside of a dream. I’ve seen so many life stories played out in front of me. I’ve watched people be born and I’ve watched as people have died. I’ve seen moments of joy and moments of sorrow. I’ve tried to control what will happen to me if I keep trying to make the right choices, but even at times when I was choosing what I thought to be the right things for myself, sometimes the choices did not turn out the way I wanted them to; sometimes I took a different path in life and ended up in situations beyond my control. Now I’m older and looking back on my life. I can see clearly where each of my choices led me.
     We all have different dreams and that’s what makes this world so diverse. What becomes normal to one person would seem completely crazy to another. Some people are born into different thinking patterns than their family or peers and they find a different path to take in their dream. I can only imagine how hard it would be to step into my sister’s body and start living her life. We both have good lives but her circumstances are so different from mine and we would not want to switch lives if the choice were given to us. I wouldn’t even know how to begin living her dream for her.
     Sometimes as parents we have a hard time letting go of the dreams we have for our children. We see their potential. We want what’s best for them but they want their freedom to live life the only way they know how to live it. They choose different paths to walk on. They choose different choices to learn from their own lessons in life.
      Some dreams can become nightmares. The freedom of choices can affect everybody in the dream. A choice somebody makes reminds me of watching a pebble drop into a bucket of water. The small splash in the middle has a ripple effect; and each ripple finally flows gently together around the inside of the bucket to become one united circle. If you make a great choice then you affect the lives of others in a good way but what if you make a bad choice? Can we repair damages from bad choices? I believe we can! People can always create a new dream. The best way to create a new dream is to ask for forgiveness from those who were hurt by the damage you created in the old dream. The best way to create a new dream is to move past the old dream to a better dream. Nobody needs to be stuck in a thought pattern unless they want to be stuck. Misery loves company! The choice to change your belief pattern is always a choice. There is no need to repeat the lesson learned from the old dream because you have already learned the lesson. If somebody hurt you… let it go. If life is too tough… ask for help. If you can’t find solutions… think outside the box. If life is unfair… then life is unfair. I’ve seen some amazing people in very unfair situations rise above them to become inspirations to others!
      Each day I wake up I am creating another new dream. When I go to sleep I’m never sure if I will wake up the next day but I usually do. Is life really a dream? If it is then we can change the direction of the dream by changing a thought. I’ve heard that if you are in the middle of a nightmare you can stop the nightmare by saying to yourself, “Wait… this is only a dream! I can wake myself up!” You can change the course of your new dream. I hope you can live merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily once you decide you can wake up to your new dreams.

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