I remember we moved into a new
neighborhood when my children were still young. My oldest boy had some girls
come over to welcome him to the neighborhood because they thought he was cute.
My youngest boy was in the bathtub when the doorbell rang so I put a towel
around him and went to answer the door. I pulled the drain and left the toddler
standing in the towel; as I opened the front door the group of girls
screamed and ran away! I turned around to see that my toddler was standing
behind me with the towel wide open to show his naked little body to the world!
The toddler giggled with glee while I turned a few shades of red; this was not
my favorite moment in life. My sweet toddler had no idea of how inappropriate
his behavior was because his brain was not old enough for that kind of
thinking, but the girls knew he was wrong and ran away.
Science has proven repeated viewing of
naked bodies can actually rewire a person’s brain. It triggers the brain to
pump out chemicals and form new pathways leading to lasting changes in the
brain. People who look at naked bodies repeatedly can actually have brains that
become less connected, less active and even physically smaller in some areas. People who repeatedly look at
pornography develop what is called a neuronal pathway and it's like
creating a pathway in a forest. Every time the person looks at naked pictures
of other people he/she uses that pathway and it gets wider and becomes more
permanent; then the pathway in the brain creates a need to think about naked
bodies every day, all day long, and that is called an addictive behavior. A
person can actually fall into a dream-like state of mind to forget what time it
is and other really important things he/she should be doing. Here’s the worst
part of looking at other peoples’ naked bodies, you start to forget about the
light they carry inside their heart and your mind starts to believe the other person is
like a toy to be played with. The addiction can become so strong in some people
they stop caring about touching people in nice ways and they start to touch
people in wrong ways. The pathway in their brain has become so wide and deep
they have created a monster inside their own brain.
There are many times in my life where
something happened to create a deep pathway in my brain. The memory of my
toddler standing naked in front of the group of girls on my front porch has remained with me for many years and I’m sure it has remained with the
sweet group of girls who ran away; but we were surprised by an adorable harmless
little boy who was not old enough to understand his behavior.
I have a major warning for boys and girls
of all ages… you do not want to be surprised by naked bodies. There are people
old enough to know better and they have pathways in their brains that are not
working right because they choose to see naked bodies. There are beautiful
places on our bodies people should not ask to touch or see. I call these places
the swim suit places. There is a reason swim suits cover these special body
parts because they will grow to have great powers. When you are a grown up
you will understand the special powers as they start to grow. Right now it will be hard for you to
understand the powers, because you don't have them yet, so you will learn about them when you become a
teenager. Young child brains are not ready to have that learning because a
brain needs to learn it’s A,B,C’s first. There is a time and place for
everything and your parents know why… so listen to them! They will teach
you the lessons you need to know at a time when you need to know the lessons. Don’t try
learning things before your brain is ready to learn them. You cannot be
President of the United States at your age because you still have a lot to
If anybody asks if they can touch the swim suit place on your body you can use your super power and proudly yell, “NO! GO AWAY!”; then run tell a grown-up who will get the person the help they need because the inappropriate person really needs a lot of help.
If anybody asks if they can touch the swim suit place on your body you can use your super power and proudly yell, “NO! GO AWAY!”; then run tell a grown-up who will get the person the help they need because the inappropriate person really needs a lot of help.
I know some ladies and gentlemen who were
touched in their most special places when they were young children and they
told me how they felt the light in their hearts turn off when it happened. They did not like being touched! It took a very long time to turn the light
back on in their heart. Keep your light shining bright! Remember to yell, “NO!
GO AWAY!” It’s your super power! If somebody asks you to look at pictures with
naked bodies yell, “NO! GO AWAY!” and keep the brain monster from ruining your
*I've read many
articles before writing this blog and it would be very hard to put them all
together for you. Please be sure to Google the information if you are not sure
about the information I have shared because it is not my intention to lead any
person astray.*
#dewcrewbooks #reactiveattachmentdisorder #developmentaltraumadisorder #complextraumadisorder #childrensbooks
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